Thursday, July 12, 2007

Colon Cleanse Fast And Say Hello To A HealthyColon.

Colon cleansing is a controversial subject, and despite all thenegative feedback and comments posted in recent times, itspopularity has increased at a rapid rate. This has been due toan increase in people's awareness about its benefits and thedire consequences that can occur in having an unhealthy colon.So if you are looking for a way to colon cleanse fast � Thenhere are some options available.Although it is a disputed topic, few people would disagree thatmaintaining the health of the colon is of prime importance. Itwas once coined that "death begins in the colon" and there doesseem to be a lot of anecdotal information that more and moreconditions is sparked through problems in digestion and wasteelimination.Some of the statistics are quite scary, with colon cancer nowbeing the second most fatal cancer in the US, killing morepeople than breast cancer and AIDS combined. Also, there arenumerous statistical studies to show that bowel problems anddisorders impact over 50% of Americans.What is to blame for many of these conditions? Well, there isno one underlying cause, but there is much information thatsuggests the "western" diet of highly processed, high fat, lowfiber foods is a contributory factor to colon/ bowel health.A diet of sticky, gluey foods, which are low in fiber ifconsumed over long periods may eventually start to cause wastematerial to slow its progress trough the colon. This over timewill cause the waste material to accumulate and then causeblockages in the colon, which lead to constipation and a buildup of waste material.This then impacts on the colon's ability to eliminate waste inthe future and absorb nutrients.Continue reading to discover natural methods to clean the colonand join the free detoxification newsletter.Unfortunately this waste can then sit in the colon and leaktoxins, which can lead to other conditions.The colon has a natural ability to clean itself and for themany people who eat a diet that is rich in roughage and low inhigh fat, processed foods will most likely have a healthy colonand healthy gut flora to match.However, if this is not the case, then a colon cleanse may helpto stimulate the colon and remove waste so that colon health canbe restored.It is worth remembering however that colon cleansing is carriedout over a relatively short time, and after the treatment theproblems can reoccur if the appropriate changes are not made todiet and lifestyle.There are various approaches to having a colon cleanse, andnumerous kits available over the Internet or therapies that canbe attended at a spa or clinic.However, the simplest proven way to clean the colon is to havecolonic hydrotherapy (colonic irrigation). This involves atrained practitioner using liquid to wash away any lodged wastematerial and clean out the colon. This can sometimes mean thatthe friendly bacteria population is reduced, along with otherbacteria and parasites, but it will quickly re-establish itselfin the health colon.Enemas can also be used either in a clinic/ spa or there arehome kits that can be purchased from the pharmacist. Enemasallow liquid to slowly enter the rectum and the lower parts ofthe colon to flush out waste material. The process of havingan enema stimulates the colon and helps evacuate waste.Enemas do not clean as far into the colon as colonic's do, soit may take more treatments to get the results you are after.Laxatives can have a quick effect on a person, stimulatingbowel movements and eliminating waste that may be trapped.However, they do not tend to be as effective at removingstubborn waste deposits.Herbal preparations work in a similar way to laxatives, butthey include many ingredients that can help "scrap" clean thecolon and stimulate colon activity and health. Generally,most of these preparations will require you to make somechanges to diet, and be able to take a few days to follow theprocedure.If you want to colon cleanse fast then the quickest treatmentmay be to arrange an appointment at a local spa that carriesout colonic hydrotherapy. Otherwise, changing diet along witha recognised herbal preparation treatment is another optionavailable.About The Author: Sign up for Maggie Simmons' free ColonCleanse newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methodsto help you discover more about colon cleanse fast at

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